
Average score 1714 Reviews
Audrey G noted on Google

(Translated by Google) Very nice place and fast service. Small downside on the mango rice dessert where the quantity was very small for the price. (Original) Très beau lieu et service rapide. Petit bémol sur le dessert mangue riz ou la quantité était très réduite pour le prix.

6 months ago
Stef C noted on Google

(Translated by Google) An exotic place, well decorated, welcoming staff, especially available to talk about the dishes. Original and succulent cuisine. I highly recommend. (Original) Lieu dépaysant, bien décoré, personnel accueillant et disponible notamment pour parler des plats. Cuisine originale et succulente. Je recommande vivement.

6 months ago
Didi Didi noted on Google

(Translated by Google) Excellent food and superb setting. However, please change your chairs. Our entire table had back pain and was poorly seated, too bad! (Original) Nourriture excellente et cadre superbe . Cependant, changez vos chaises je vous en supplie. Toute notre table avait mal au dos et était mal assise, dommage !

7 months ago
Rodolphe Laporte noted on Google

7 months ago
Nadir TOUABET noted on Google

7 months ago
sandrine LAPORTE noted on Google

7 months ago
Ugo noted on Google

(Translated by Google) Very friendly place, warm welcome. The staff is smiling and attentive. The dishes are delicious and very generous. The price-quality ratio is really interesting. (Original) Lieu très convivial, accueil chaleureux. Le personnel est souriant et a l'écoute. Les plats sont délicieux et très copieux. Le rapport qualité-prix est vraiment intéressant.

7 months ago
Jean-Claude L. noted on Reservation

Cadre toujours aussi agréable, même en hiver, et cuisine savoureuse. A boientôt certainement

7 months ago
claude roumegoux noted on Google

(Translated by Google) Very good cuisine however it is very cold we should increase the heating a little (Original) Très bonne cuisine par contre il fait très froid il faudrait augmenter un peu le chauffage

7 months ago
audrey puthier noted on Google

(Translated by Google) Excellent, we had a very good evening with friends (Original) Excellent, on a passé une très bonne soirée entre amis

8 months ago

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